Perennial Garden Ideas
What is it and how to use it?

Perennial Garden:
What is Perennial Gardening?
Perennial gardening is when someone decides to use primarily perennial flowers or vegetable plants in their garden.
With Perennial gardening you can grow perennials plants in any spot in the garden. Most perennials like loamy soil, with even moisture and full sun. There's also perennials for shade areas in the garden. There's a perennial plant and flower for almost every garden and any cultural condition a garden has to offer.
I grow mostly perennial flowers, herbs and fruits. In zone6 I haven't found very many perennial vegetables, but I like experimenting with hardy vegetables and see if they come back.
Delphinium Flowers - Sow, Plant and Grow - Perennial Zones:3-8
Astilbe Care and Maintenance
Autumn Joy - Seedum Care and Maintenance Herbaceous Perennial
Heuchera - Coral Bells
Liatris - Blazing Star - Herbaceous Perennial
Colorful Perennial Shrubs
Ornamental Grasses
Perennial Ferns
Perennial Cut Flowers
How to Grow Perennial and Biennial Flowers
How to grow Perennial Herbs
My Woodland Shade Garden - perennial plants and flowers
What is Perennial Gardening?
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