Canadian Gardening Site Map

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Welcome to!
Making gardening easier for Retirees of all ages. We Grow Food, Perennial Flowers, Vegetables & Herbs. We also have Gardening for Birds, Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Garden Printable and Canada Clipart.
Using this sitemap, gardeners can create lush landscapes that reflect the breathtaking beauty of Canada's natural environment. I hope you find something that you can use and share. Thank You!

Canadian Gardening Homepage

"What's New" at

Gardening Gift Ideas:

* Gift Ideas from the Garden

Backyard Birds in Canada:

* backyard-birds-in-canada
* pictures-of-my-backyard-birds.html
* cleaning-houses-feeders-baths.html
* bird-feeder-camera.html
* suet-fat-balls-birds.html
* gardening-for-birds-in-canada
* landscaping-for-hummingbirds.html
* bird-friendly-habitat.html


* landscaping-for-butterflies
* butterfly-plants.html
* how-to-make-butterfly-garden.html
* Butterfly Watching

Colourful Shrubs and Groundcovers:

* colorful-perennial-shrubs
* ground-cover-plants.html
* shrubs-selection-small-medium-large.html

Container Gardening - Food and Flowers

* container-gardening
* container-plants.html
* food-flowers.html

Espalier - Fruits & Diseases:

* espalier
* fruit-tree-bugs-disease.html

Flowers - Annuals:

* flowers
* Flowers and their meanings
* sunflower-plant-grow-care.html
* floral-arrangements.html
* gladiolus-plant-grow-winterize.html
* how-to-grow-dahlias-zone6.html
* how-to-grow-ranunculus-zone6.html
* bulbs-tubers-corms.html
* gardening-in-winter-forcing-spring-bulbs-indoors.html
* how-to-grow-care-for-flowers.html
* whats-blooming-this-month.html

Flowers - Perennial:

* Delphiniums - sow, plant, grow
* Flowers and their Meanings
* Perennial Gardening
* what-is-perennial-gardening.html
* perennial-ferns.html
* perennial-cut-flowers.html
* ornamental-grasses.html
* heuchera.htm
* astilbe-care.html
* autumn-joy.html
* dicentra-spectabilis-burning-hearts.html
* growing-hollyhock.html
* liatris-herbaceous-perennial-zone6.html

Garden Content:

* garden-content
* Box Tree Moth Infestation
* Mulch Calculator How many bags of mulch do you need? Cubic Yards? Meters?
* The history of gardening in Canada
* Urban Gardening
* Canadian Gardening Websites and Blogs
* Mulch for the Garden
* small-trees-for-front-yard.html
* vertical-versus-traditional-gardening.html
* moon-garden.html
* winterize-garden.html
* balcony-gardening-seniors.html
* gardening-for-seniors.htm
* wholesale-garden-supplies-canada.html
* gardening-exercise-health.html
* gardening-weather-folklore-sayings.html
* garden-nursery-beds.html
* direct-sow.html
* cordless-power-tools-for-retirees-seniors.html
* tools-that-are-a-waste-of-time-and-money

Garden Printable & Clipart:

* garden-printable/
* seed-packet-templates
* monthly-seed-dividers
* canada-clipart-online

Gifts from the Garden:


Growing Food:

* growing-food
* Vegetable plant Calculator
* Vegetable Calendar - when to sow and plant in inches and centimeters - days to maturity, hardiness zone
* Harvest and Store home garden Vegetables
* Grow Lettuce Indoors
* Planting Garlic
* grow-harvest-25-vegetables.html
* bad-bugs-in-the-garden.html
* bug-control.html
* growing-thornless-blackberries.html
* four-ways-to-grow-potatoes-pros-cons.html
* how-to-grow-radishes-zone6.htm
* vegetable-plant-spacing-chart.html
* how-to-grow-sweet-potatoes.html
* growing-strawberry-seeds-and-protection.html
* growing-organic-food.html
* animal-pest-control-in-the-garden.html * plant-disease.html


* herbs
* plants-that-repel-bugs.html
* herb-list.html
* herb-teas.html
* how-to-grow-herbs.html
* homemade-pesticide-herbicide
* infusing-oils-vinegars

My Shade Garden:

* my-woodland-shade-garden
* wildflower-garden.html
* plants-for-shade-gardens.html
* backyard-woodland-ideas.html


* photography
* winter-in-canada
* fall-in-canada/

Seeds - all about seeds:

* seeds
* seed-germination-with-and-without-light.html
* seed-catalog
* how-to-start-seedlings-indoors.html
* seed-harvesting-curing-storing.html

Vine Plants:

* vine-plants
* vine-flowers.html

Watch Nature:

* watch-nature
* butterfly-watching.html
* birdwatching-seniors.html
* Birdfeeder Camera
* animal-pest-control-in-the-garden.html

Printable Templates & Canada Clipart:

* Seedpacket Templates - vegetables, herbs and flowers
* Monthly Tabbed Seed Dividers
* Canada Clipart
