How to Grow Spicata - Liatris - Blazing Star
7 Tips and Tricks for Success

7 Tips and Tricks for Liatris Growing Success :
- Plant in Spring after last Frost - or - in the Fall
- If you cannot plant your Corms outside right away - store them in a cool dry place. I just filled a tray full of soil and having them growing there until the ground thaws out.
- Liatris Corms do best in loose, well drained soil.
- Plant in groups for a more natural look - 7 - 15 etc. I have 80 Corms in this bag.
- Water as needed during active growth
- Plant the tall Liatris out of the wind - to avoid staking.
- Liatris - are a Herbaceous Perennial - let all the leaves die down after blooming.
Liatris Description:
Deciduous Perennial with dark green tufts of grass like leaves with tall spikes of feathery type flowers.
It blooms from the top downwards.
Likes full sun.
Rich, moist soil and well drained. Good for borders and Meadow gardens.
Good cut flower and mass plantings.
Good for Butterflies and Hummingbirds.
Easy to grow herbaceous perennial with a long vase life for cut flowers.
It can be Propagated by division or seeds. I use division.
After flowering the leaves should be allowed to die down. Mine stay green until the first frost.
This cold hardy plant will be fine without extra protection in cold climates. Good to Zone3.