What's Blooming This Month in Zone6
Flowers and Trees

What's Blooming right Today in my backyard :
This year I want to be on top of this.
Sometimes I look at my plants and say "and when are going to bloom?"
So, I'm going to use this webpage to keep track of my plants and trees' blooming time.
The last couple of years I have lost a few plants and trees, but I'll record the blooming time of what I have in Zone6.
I hope this helps. :)
What's blooming right now in Zone6?
January to February:
What's Growing Outside Right Now?
I have a Poinsettia, African Violets, Christmas Cactus, Hyacinths and Amaryllis.
Want to share your pictures and don't know how?
You can go to "gardening-chat forum" and post your picture there
or email me at: canadiangardening@augursw.net
I would love to see your garden and maybe we can start a seed exchange in Canada.
Please let me know the zone and month you are gardening in. Thank you in advance!
Early spring this year (2024) and daffodils are in bud.
- Finally Snowdrops are Blooming - April 8 - Zone6
- Crocus - April 11
- Daffodils in Bud - April 17
- Hyacinths - weeds and All - April 22
- Grape Hyacinths - ( Muscari ) April 22
- Daffodils - blooming close to the house - April 23
- Forsythia in Bloom - May 1
- Tulips and Fruit Trees are still in bud - May 3
- All spring flowers are in bloom - May 11 - love this time of the year
- Fruit Trees are starting to Bloom - Plums, Pears and Apples - May 15
- Lilacs are in Bloom - May 23
- Lily of the Valley - May 25
- Lupins - May 28
- Irises - June 1
- I lost a few plants this year, but there's always next year. - Western Wallflower? - June 1
- it came from My Mom's wildflower seed packet. It's really orange and fragrant. - Peonies are blooming - June 15
- Persian Buttercups (Ranunculus Asiaticus) - June 18 || How to grow Ranunculus?
- Calla Lilies are starting to bloom - June 18
- Sweet Williams, Carnations, Day Lilies, Feverfew and California Poppies - are blooming June 22
- Peony Poppies are blooming - June 22
- White Annabelle Hydrangea in bud - June 22
- Delphiniums - June 22
- Lavender starting to bloom - June 22
- Lilies are Blooming - June 22 || how to plant lilies at homes-n-gardens.com
- Black-eyed Susan - July 1
- Sunflowers are starting to bloom July 1
- Red Sunflower - came from Mixed Sunflowers Seed packet - July 18
- first time growing Dahlias - blooming July 22 || How to grow Dahlias
- Casa Blanca Lilies late bloomers July 29
- Roses - are blooming - I only have a pink and a red left
- My Mom is the rose queen. Picture of my Mom's Roses/Garden growing in July
My Mom is growing in Zone 8B
I am growing in zone 6A.
How to grow roses at homes-n-gardens.com
- Autumn Joy Sedum || How to grow Autumn Joy Sedum
- Hardy Chrysanthemums _ I only have 3 colours left.
- Flowers that are still blooming:
Dahlias, California Poppies, Fever Few, Cosmos, Nicotiana, Calendula, Roses, Sedums, Mums, Fall Asters and Geraniums. - Flowers that have gone to seed, but the birds are loving it:
Sunflowers, Echinacea, (coneflower)and Rudbeckia. (black-eyed Susan) - Some of my houseplants are starting to bloom like: Christmas Cactus and Poinsettia. - they are either too early in the season or too late. :)
Calendula, Roses, Geraniums, Dahlias, California Poppies, Snapdragons and Nicotiana.
First snowfall November 17th and my garden is going to sleep.
Parsley, onions and the lawn are not quite ready yet. It was a good growing year.
Thank you for being here.
Snowed in!
Started winter sowing indoors.
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