Seasonal Perennial, Annual Climbing Vine Plants :
Lush greenery with flowers for privacy, height in the garden with a seasonal punch of color:
Landscaping With Climbing Flowering Vines:
The benefits of Landscaping With Climbing Vines:
The benefits of Landscaping With Climbing Vines:
Climbing Vines let you merge boundaries and soften harsh edges.
Plant boston ivy or wisteria trained to climb up a wall for seasonal interest and if planted on a south wall it will keep house cool as well.
Be ready to keep Boston Ivy and Wisteria in check, because once they take hold they can take over the world. :)
Plant vines for privacy, to screen unsightly walls or views.
A planting of wintercreeper on a concrete wall will make an eyesore into a feature.
A chain-link fence can become an asset planted with trumpet vines, roses or grapes.
An arbour covered with vines in a strategic place will also give you privacy and shade in the garden. Planting annual vines on fences, gates and structures quickly bring an established look and height to the landscape, where other plants have yet to fill in.
How vines Climb:
All vines climb, but not all the same way.
Some vines climb by twinning around a support.
Sweet peas wraps a tendril around a slender pole, wire, string and they are good to go.
Boston ivy has adhesive discs at the end of tendrils so they can stick to anything.
Vines like climbing roses have no real way of holding on to a support; for them to climb, weave the climber in and out of a trellis or tie them to a support.
Climbing Vines for the garden:
You can grow perennial and annual climbing vines for shade, food and just for beauty of foliage and flowers.
Perennial Vines range from woody perennial vines like Boston Ivy, Grapes, Wisteria, Climbing Roses, Euonymus, Perennial Sweet Peas and Climbing Hydrangeas.
Annual climbing vines that I use in the garden:
Morning glory, Sweet peas and Thurmergia (black-eyed susan)
Tips for Caring for Climbing Vines:
You can find a climbing vine for almost any kind of site; sun, shade, loam or poor soil.
However, you are better off matching the vine to your soil conditions than try to change the environment to suit the plant.
Pests and diseases:
I find my vines pretty resistant to pest and diseases.
Climbing Roses - caterpillars likes them and grapes - flea beetle.
Caterpillars - I hand pick them.
Flea beetle - I use - sticky tape.
Tips for Pruning Vine Plants:
Pruning gives us the opportunity to train control the vine. First step to prunning a vine plant is to remove dead, damaged and diseased wood. Prune live wood after the vines have finished blooming for the season. Remove dead wood anytime. I also prune grapes, roses and wisteria in the fall to keep them tidy for the winter.