Garden Content - Nursery Beds
Saves Time & Money

How to start a Nursery Bed?
Years ago I wanted a Nursery Bed, but I never seem to get around to it. Then I decided to work smarter and not harder and hence the Nursery Bed. Most of the time I would plant my clippings, divisions and sow my seed on the edge of my flowerbeds and then get busy and forget that my plants were depending on me to be watered.
How do you prepare a Nursery Bed?
Start by designating a bright spot, but not in the hot sun, in the garden to be used just for a nursery bed.
If you only have a hot, sunny spot, cover the soil with branches or shade cloth.
Till the soil well and dig in a generous amount of compost, peat moss, sand and leaf mold if you have any.
Level the bed well for seed sowing. Keep the bed evenly moist until germination or growth occurs.
What do I use my Nursery Beds for:
I mostly use them for sowing Perennial Plant seeds. Propagating Boxwood, Sedums, Hydrangeas, Roses, Ferns, Hostas and experimenting. I have many times tried to propagate Japanese Maple Trees to no avail.
Advantages of having Nursery Beds?
It saves a lot of money on plants and time.
I can propagate or sow as many plants and seeds as I want and I only have one place to water.
I usually leave a full watering can near the Nursery Bed as well. If they need a drink it's easy to oblige.
When my plants are big enough, I transplant them somewhere in the garden where they will continue to grow.
Disadvantages of having Nursery Beds?
I can't think of any.
Maybe if you are short on space.
However, I think the advantages of having a designated space for experimenting, propagating and sowing in just one spot makes it all worth it.
A cold frame will work. I don't have one of those yet. :)
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Table of Contents
C-G Reading
- My Woodland Shade Garden
- Perennial Gardening
- Growing Food
- Growing Herbs
- Spring Bulbs - Tubers - Corms
- Container Gardening
- Flower Gardening
- Gifts from the garden
- Homemade Pesticide & Herbicide
- Forcing Spring Bulbs to Bloom Indoors
- Seed Packet Templates
- Seeds - Harvesting, Drying & Storing
- Gardening for Birds
- Landscaping for Butterflies
- Landscaping for Hummingbirds