List of Plants for Shade Gardens
Annuals, Perennials, Groundcovers and Shrubs

Perennial Ferns
my Woodland Shade Garden
Plants for Shade Gardens.
Working with shade means understanding that in many cases, poor dry soil limits plants growth more than like of light. The lack of moisture, because of the near by trees sucking up all of the water. If your soil in a dry shady spot, hard to dig and compacted, you can layer chopped-up leaves, twigs and whatever compost you have to loosen up the soil. :)
Then I planted whatever plants I had strugling in the hot sun and added wood chip mulch.
The selection of plants listed here will brighten up any shade corner. Variegated plants always finds a place in my shade garden -- someday it will be a woodland garden -- with plants that you would find in a forest. Baby steps to a Woodland garden. :)
Annual flowers for Partial Shade
- Anchusa capensis ( summer forget-me-not )
- Begonia semperflorens-culttorium ( wax begonia )
- Browallia spp. ( sapphire flowers )
- Caladium hortulanum ( caladium )
- Catharanthus roseus ( Madagascar periwinkle )
- Lobelia erinus ( lobelia )
- Mimulus hydridus ( monkey flower )
- Myosotis sylvatica ( forget-me-not )
- Nemophila menziesii ( baby-blue-eyes )
- Nicotiana alata ( flowering tobacco )
- Nierembergia hippomanica var. violacea ( blue cupflower )
- Omphalodeslinifolia ( navelwort )
- Salvia splendens ( scarlet sage )
- Thunbergia alata ( black-eyed Susan vine )
- Viola wittrockiana ( pansy )
Annual flowers for Full Shade
- Coleus hybridus ( coleus )
- Impatiens wallerana ( impatiens )
- Torenia tournier ( wishbone flower )
Best Perennials for Shade
- Aconitum spp. ( momkshoods ) Blooms: Summer to early fall: blue
- Aquilegia spp. ( columbines ) Spring to early summer; all colours, bicolours
- Astilbe spp. ( astilbes ) Late spring to summer; red, pink, white
- Bergenia spp. ( bergenias ) Early spring; rose, pink, purple, white
- Brunera macrophylla ( Siberia Bugloss ) spring; light blue
- Cimicifuga spp. ( bugbanes ) summer to fall; white
- Dicentra spp. ( bleeding hearts ) spring; rose pink, white
- Digitalis purpurea. ( common foxglove ) spring; rose pink, white, mauve, peach
- Epimedium spp. ( epimediums ) spring; pink, red, yellow, white
- Helleborus spp. ( hellebores ) early spring; white, rose, green, purple
- Hemerocallis spp. ( daylilies ) spring; yellow, pink, red
- Heuchera spp. ( alumroots ) spring to summer; pink, red, white, green
- Hosta spp. ( hostas ) early to late summer, violet, lilac, white
- Mertensia virginica ( virginia bluebells ) spring; blue, white
- Polygonatum spp. ( Solomon's seals ) spring; white and white-green
- Pulmonaria spp. ( lungworts ) spring; purple-blue, blue, red
Ground Covers
- Ajuga reptans ( ajuga )
- Asarum spp. ( wild gingers )
- Galium odoratum ( sweet woodruff )
- Epimedium spp. ( epimediums )
- Euonymums fortunei ( wintercreeper )
- Hedera helix ( English Ivy )
- Lamium maculatum ( spotted lamium )
- Liriope spp. ( lillyturf )
- Mitchella repens ( partridgeberry )
- Pachysandra terminalis ( Japanese pachysandra )
- Vinca minor ( vinca )
- Calycanthus floridus ( Carolina allspice )
- Daphne cneorum ( rose daphne )
- llex crenata ( Japanese holly )
- Kalmia latifolia ( mountain laurel )
- Kerria japonica "variegata" ( variegated Japanese kerria )
- Leucothoe spp. ( leucothoes )
- Mahonia spp. ( mahonias and Oregon grapes)
- Nandina domestica ( heavenly bamboo )
- Prunus laurocerasus ( cherry-laurel )
- Rhododendrons spp. and cultivars ( rhododendrons and azaleas )
- Ribes alpine ( alpine currant )
- Sarcococca hookerana ( Himalayan sarcococca )
- Skimmia japonica (Japanese skimmia)
my Woodland Shade Garden
Woodland Shade Garden
Garden Content
Table of Contents
- Perennial Gardening
- Growing Food
- Growing Herbs
- Gardening for Birds
- Landscaping for Butterflies
- Landscaping for Hummingbirds
- Container Gardening
- Flower Gardening
- Gifts from the garden
- Homemade Pesticide & Herbicide
- Seed Packet Templates
- Seeds - Harvesting, Drying & Storing
- Infusing Oils & Vinegars
- Printable Templates
- Photo Gallery