How to plant, grow & winterize Gladioli in Zone 6
Tips & Tricks for Success

How to Plant, Grow and Winterize Gladioli:
The Gladioli that I have seen and bought are annual to Zone 6.
However, my friend grew Gladiolus that came back every year in Michigan. I searched the Internet and someone was selling Gladioli that were hardy to zone3-9.
Gladioli - Tips and Tricks for Success:
That's what the instructions said. (smile)
It's easy to grow Gladioli. The hardest part for me is convincing the squirrels to leave me some.
- Plant in spring after the last frost.
- If you can't plant your Gladioli outside right away, store them in a cool, dry, dark location. I just put mine in moist soil and let it sprout indoors until it's time to plant outside.
- Gladioli do best in loose, well drained soil.
- You can also plant your corms at intervals of 2 weeks to extend the flowering period. Leave some corms in the fridge for an extra 2 weeks.
- Plant the taller varieties out of the wind, due to their height.
Full Sun to Partial Shade
13 cm - 5"
13-15 cm - 5-6"
Flowering Period:
90-125 cm - 36-50"
Plant Gladiolus with pointy end up in a sunny to semi-shaded area.
Plant 13cm (5 inches) deep and 13 to 15cm (5-6 inches) apart.
Water thoroughly after planting.
Gladioli are very easy to grow and do not need much fertilizer.
Plant Gladioli at biweekly intervals for continuous colour.
Gladioli will bloom in 60-80 days.
Shelter from strong winds.
Gladioli will bloom from the bottom up and will last about 2 weeks.
Stake Taller Varieties.
Most Gladiolus are annuals in Zone6.
- After the first frost, dig up the corms, cut off the tops.
- Do not wash the corms, but let them dry for 2 - 3 weeks.
- Pull off the new Corm from the useless old Corm at the base.
- Rub off the dry soil and collect the small Cormels clustered around the base of the new Gladioli Corms.
- Place your dry Corms and Cormels in a paper bag.
- Store Corms and Cormels in a dark and cool location for next year.
- Cormels may be grown in a nursery bed or vegetable bed in the spring until they mature to Corms, takes 2-3 years.
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