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Herb Teas:

Herbal teas can be soothing or simply pleasant.
Many herbs are wonderful aids to digestion or cold symptoms.

Some, such as lemon balm, pineapple sage and lemon verbena, make refreshing iced tea or additions to iced drinks.
You can make herb tea with fresh herb leaves or dried. In the summer I prefer herbal tea with fresh leaves.

To make herbal tea:

  1. Place leaves in mug, teapot
  2. Start with a 1 tablespoon of dried herbs or 2 tablespoons of fresh herbs per cup and adjust quantity to suit your taste.
  3. Then add boiling water
  4. steep for 5-10 minutes before straining.
  5. I use a tea ball for loose tea. I also crush my fresh leaves before using them.

Herbal Tea Suggestions:

Even though a lot of people like "Mint Tea" I'm not sure I like it.
It smells and tastes like medicine. :)
Historically herb teas were used as medicine and many people still brew and drink them today for medicinal purposes. If you new to herbal teas, please make sure you are not allergic to any of them.

I will post some of the herbs I use below:

  1. Angelica ( Angelica archangelica ): use the leaves
  2. Basil ( ocimum basilicum): leaves
  3. Bee Balm ( Monarda didyma ): leaves
  4. Catnip ( Nepeta cataria ): leaves and flowers ( I haven't used this one yet )
  5. Chamomile ( Chamaemelum nobile): flowers
  6. Elderberry ( Sambucus spp.): flowers
  7. Lemon Balm ( Melissa officinalis ): leaves
  8. Lemon Thyme ( thymus citriodorus): leaves
  9. Lemon verbena ( aloysia triphylla
  10. Mint ( Mentha spp.): leaves
  11. Roses ( rosa spp.): hips and petals
  12. Rosemary ( rosmarinus officinalis): leaves
  13. Sage ( salvia officinalis): leaves
  14. Scented geranium ( pelargonium spp.): leaves

Controlling Bad Bugs in the garden

Loose Tea envelope to print - at h-n-g.

All about Herbs

List of Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Plants and Herbs that repel bad bugs