33 Vegetable Spacing and Thinning Chart

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Plant Spacing and Thinning:

At first I go by what the seed instructions says and then I go my own experience.
If you live in a dry climate, plants roots have to search farther for water and will benefit from wider spacing than the seed instructions suggests.
I grow in raised beds so I could plant my crops closer together, but I still have very heavy clay soil.
When it's time to thin seedlings I use a scissors and clip them off so I won't be disturbing the other seedlings.
Or I just wait until it rains or my soil is moist and just gently lift the thinning's and use them somewhere else in the garden.

For measuring between plants - I just or use my body.

My foot is a foot - in really life I don't know what it is - shoe size is 8.
My hand from my baby finger to my thumb is 6" - It's actually 7.5".
From my elbow to my middle finger - it's 18".
From my middle finger - turn head and measure to side of nose --- it's a yard.
It's gardening - it's close enough.
First you go by the book and then you do your thing. It works! :)
Or you can use a board - notch the sizes you use the most often and use the board for spacing.
Raised Beds are easy to pencil mark the side of the bed every 12". I still use my hand for spacing. :)
I also look at my seeds like carrots or onions - and leave enough room for the carrot to grow to the size I want.

As with conventional spacing your experience are the best guidelines, but I am posting a a guideline for you below. I hope it helps.

Vegetable Plant Spacing Chart

Vegetable Vegetable Plant Spacing
Beans 4 - 9"
Beets 2 - 6"
Brocolli 15 - 18"
Brussels Sprouts 15 - 18"
Cabbage 15 - 18"
Carrots 2 - 3"
Cauliflower 15 - 18"
Chinese Cabbage 10 - 12"
Collards 12 - 15"
Corn 18"
Cucumbers 18 - 36"
Eggplant 18 - 24"
Kale 15 - 18"
Kholrabi 5"
Leeks 2 - 6"
Lettuce 6 - 9"
Melons 24 - 36"
Okra 12 - 18"
Onions - bulb type 4 - 6"
Onions, Bunching 2 - 3"
Parsley 4 - 6"
Peas 2 - 6"
Peppers 12 - 15"
Potatoes 10 - 12"
Pumpkins 24 - 36"
Radishes 2 - 3"
Spinach 4 - 6"
Squash 24 - 36"
Sweet Potatoes 10 - 12"
Swiss Chard 18 - 24"
Tomatoes 18 - 24"
Turnips 4 - 6"
Zucchini 6 - 8"

Grow and Harvest - 25+ Vegetables