Container Gardens:
A list of plants for container garden plants.
Every year I try different plants in my containers to see which combination I like best. Still trying.
Container gardening is a great way to brighten up a patio, deck or just a pop of colour somewhere in the garden. Any of the following plants will do well in hanging baskets, tubs, urns, throughs and any container as long you have adequate drainage. Don't forget to position where you want before you fill it. They become a lot heavier than they look. It's important to feed and water container plants regularly. Hanging baskets especially will benefit from being watered every day. Fertilize with liquid feed every two weeks during the summer. Container gardens are sure a breath of sunshine anywhere.
List of Plants for Container Gardens
Plant Name: | Height: | Description: | Culture: |
Achimenes spp. ( Achimenes ) |
8-12 inches | Flowering African violet relative. Tubular flowers - blue, purple, red, orange, yellow, white. Blooms: spring to frost |
Tender Perennial. Partial to deep shade. Water and feed heavily. Propagate by division, cuttings, seeds., Can be overwintered indoors. |
Achimenes spp. ( Achimenes ) |
8-12 inches | Flowering African violet relative. Tubular flowers - blue, purple, red, orange, yellow, white. Blooms: spring to frost |
Tender Perennial. Partial to deep shade. Water and feed heavily. Propagate by division, cuttings, seeds. Can be overwintered indoors. |
Begonia semperflorens cultorum hybrids. ( Wax Begonia ) |
6-12 inches | Compact, waxy single or double flowers that are pink, white or red. Blooms: Spring to Frost |
Tender Perennial. Partial sun to partial shade. Moist well-drained soil, rich in organic matter. Propagate by cuttings, seeds. Can be overwintered indoors and grown as houseplant. |
Browallia speciosa ( Browallia ) |
9-30 inches | Bell shaped flowers in blue or white. Blooms: Spring to Frost |
Tender Perennial. Full sun to partial shade. Moist well drained soil, rich in organic matter. Propagate by cuttings, seeds. Can be overwintered indoors and grown as a houseplant. |
Caladium spp. ( Caladium ) |
9-30 inches | Genus grown for its coloured leaves markings and pattern combinations of white, pink, red and green. |
Tender Perennial grown as a summer flowering bulb. Partial to deep shade. Moist well drained soil, rich in organic matter. Propagate by division. Remove flowers as they appear. Dig tuber-corms and store in cool place. Hardy only in Zone: 10 |
Calendula officinalis ( Pot marigold ) |
6-24 inches | Daisy family member with yellow, cream, white or orange daisylike flowers. Blooms: Spring to Frost |
Annual. Full sun to partial shade. Rich Moist soil. Propagate by seeds. Good cut flower. |
Celosia cristata ( Cockscomb ) |
6-36 inches | Summer flowering annual with crested flower heads in yellow, orange, red and purple Bloom time: Summer |
Annual. Full sun. Sandy, well-drained soil. Blooms can also be dried. Good cut flower. |
Chrysanthemum marifolium ( hardy chrysanthemum ) |
12-48 inches | Hardy Perennial, with daisy like flowers from single to double in white, yellow, purple, pink, orange, red | Hardy Perennial. Full sun. Sandy, well-drained soil. Pinch back in July to encourage branching. Good cut flower. Zones: 3-10 |
Hosta spp. ( plantain lily ) |
6-36 inches | Sturdy clump-forming perennial. Attractive foliage. Blooms in summer and fall with bell-shaped flower spikes in violet and white. Some hostas have scented flowers. | Hardy Perennial. Partial to full shade. Moist well-drained soil, rich in organic matter. Propagate by division. Underplant with spring bulbs for spring colour Zones: 3-10 |
Lantana ( Yellow sage ) |
12-36 inches | Shrubby plant with many clusters of tiny flowers in yellow or pink on opening and change to red, orange or lavender. Blooms: Spring to Frost |
Tender shrub - grown as annual. Full Sun. Moist well-drained soil. Propagate by cuttings, seeds. Can be wintered indoors and grown as houseplant. Zones: 8-10 |
Lobelia erinus ( edging lobelia ) |
4-8 inches | Trailing, summer-blooming with many flowers in deep blue, pale blue, red, white | Annual. Full Sun to Partial shade. Rich, sandy soil. Pinch plant to encourage bushiness |
Pelargonium spp. ( Geranium ) |
12-36 inches | Grown for ornamental flowers. Flowers can be 3-5" wide in clusters of pink, red, salmon, white. Blooms: Spring to Frost |
Tender Perennial - grown as Annual. Full sun. Remove flowers as they fade. Propagate by cuttings. Can be wintered indoors as a houseplant. Zones: hardy in 10 |
Petunia spp. ( Petunias ) |
10-18 inches | Sprawling annuals with trumpet-shaped blooms in many forms and colours. Blooms maybe single or double. Blooms: Spring to Frost |
Annual: Full sun. Remove flowers as they fade. Pinch back to encourage branching and a flush of new blooms. Zones: hardy in 10 |