Grow Flowers

Perennials, Biennials, Annuals & Self-seeders

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Perennials, Biennial, Self Seeders

Seeds, Corms, Bulbs and Tubers:

Ornamental Gardening at This focuses on using plants to enhance the aesthetic value of your property. Landscape gardening guides emphasize the importance of organic care.
From creating wildlife habitats to growing herbs for cooking with delicious homegrown fruit and vegetables.

Most of the flowers that I grow are Perennials and Biennials, but sometimes I'll plant annuals just for a pop of colour.
This year I have these annuals:
Sunflowers, Geraniums, Calla Lilies, Dahlias, Gladiolus and Impatiens.
After Covid-19 the stores are having a hard time trying to figure out if the Covid-19 Pandemic is really over.

  1. What's Blooming this Month?
  2. Seeds that germinates best in darkness or with light
  3. Planting Flowers Calendar
  4. Flowers and their Meanings
  5. How to grow All Flowers
  6. Floral Arrangement for Home Decor
  7. Dahlias
  8. Painted Daisies
  9. Spring Bulbs, Tubers, Corms
  10. Gladiolus
  11. Sunflowers - Plant, Grow and Care
  12. Ranunculus
  13. Forcing Spring Bulbs to Bloom Indoors
  14. Direct Sowing

  15. Perennial Gardening
  16. Dicentra - Bleeding hearts
  17. Perennial Cut Flowers
  18. Autumn Joy - Seedum Care and Maintenance
  19. Hollyhocks - Perennial
  20. Liatris - Blazing Star - Herbaceous Perennial

  21. Container Gardening
  22. Homemade Pesticide & Herbicide
  23. Seed Packet Templates
  24. Seeds - Harvesting, Drying & Storing
  25. Printable Templates
  26. Potting soil Mixes @ H-n-G