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With Gardening Tips for gardeners of all ages.

Gardener at Work!
I am either working on this website or in the garden.
is a website dedicated to providing information, resources and inspiration for gardening enthusiasts across Canada.

This website covers various aspects of gardening, including plant selection, cultivation techniques, landscaping ideas, pest control and seasonal tips tailored to the Canadian climate.

growing food - vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs

Grow Food & Herbs

Simplifying Growing Food for Retirees: Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs.

container gardening indoors and outdoors

Growing Flowers

Tips for growing Perennial, Biennial and Annual Flowers . Saving Seeds.

flowers, perennials, biennuals, seeds and seedlings

Canada Clipart

Free Seasonal and Special Occasions Canada Clipart online.

photos of flowers, food and wildlife in my backyard

Watch Nature

Watch Nature with us. Share photos in Gardeners Chat.

Simplify gardening

Perennial Garden

What are Shrubs?
List of Colorful, Showy Shrubs.

Garden Content

Garden Content

Gardening growing tips for Vegetables, fruits and flowers. More time to sit in the shade.

printable garden templates

Garden Templates

Seed Envelopes, Monthly Seed Dividers and Crop Calendar Templates.

container gardens for food and flowers

Container Gardens

Container gardens for Food and Flowers. Best plants for containers.

Who We Are

Growing in Zone6A in Canada

who we are

I am an enthusiastic gardening hobbyist who loves sharing our bountiful fresh produce with our neighbours and documenting my gardening endeavours with you.
After spending many years building websites, I think it's finally time to Retire and indulge in some of the activities that I love the most.
Aside from cultivating my garden, I also find immense pleasure in capturing its beauty through photography.
You may contact me as well at:
  Gardening Forum

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